Feature Ideas

  1. Ask AI

    Chat with an AI Agent to extract more information from recordings, information that was not discovered through summary templates, and information that spans multiple recordings.

    Product from PLAUD.AI
    #πŸ“ Transcription#πŸ“– Summarization


  2. Merge recordings

    idea from John Norris in beta group: Is there a way to pick up where you left off on a recording and continue it? For example I like to keep a journal/log of task worked on and completed at work. So as I complete a task or think of something else to add to my projects list I would like to record that note wherever I left off on it earlier in the day. That or allow us to select multiple recordings in the app and β€œmerge” them into one Transcript and Summary.

    Todd Lee
    #πŸ‘‚ Recording#πŸ“ File Management


  3. Record headphone call

    Idea from Richard Middlebrook in beta group: Is there a way to use headphones during calls that record both sides of the conversation?

    Todd Lee
    #πŸ‘‚ Recording


  4. Online Meeting Recording

    Record online meetings, such as Zoom, Google Meeting, etc.

    Product from PLAUD.AI
    #πŸ‘‚ Recording


  5. Automatically removing silent segments when cropping audio

    The silent segments in the meeting no longer incur additional transcription time.

    Todd Lee
    #πŸ“ File Management


  6. Find & Replace in files

    Although the transcription results are relatively accurate, there are still some errors in industry-specific terminology, so I hope to perform a find and replace on the entire text.

    Todd Lee
    #πŸ“ File Management #✍️ Text Editing


  7. Why don't you propose a laptop or desktop application for synchronization & direct copy/paste to other corporate tools ?

    Serge M


  8. Autosync audio files to google drive



  9. Automatically add appointments & to-dos to your calendar

    Important dates, to do tasks, and reminders could automatically be imported to your calendar.

    Jeff S


  10. Provide translation of transcription, summary and MM in another language

    If I am learning a new language and I import a recording, that get transcripted and summarised, but in the original language, so I need to translate it with another application. It would be helpful to choose, beside the language of the recording, to which language I want the transcription and summary.

    #πŸ“ Transcription#πŸ“– Summarization #πŸ‘‚ Recording


  11. Safeguarding Privacy. That's PLAUD's Pledge.

    Yes, we place a great emphasis on protecting user privacy. Although we have taken many measures regarding privacy protection in the design and development of our systems, we hope to provide users with an even greater sense of security. Therefore, we are further improving and upgrading our systems to comply with requirements such as GDPR and SOC2.

    Todd Lee


  12. Using the Plaud with headphones

    I recently came across your AI devices and wanted to let you know that I’m really impressed by the features and the innovative approach behind them. The sleek design and advanced AI functionality really stand out, and I’m excited about the potential of these devices. However, I’ve noticed that there currently seems to be no option for using the devices with headphones, which is a feature I find essential for my daily use. The ability to seamlessly use headphones would make the devices much more versatile and accessible in a variety of situations, such as commuting or working in noisy environments. I would love to purchase your products, but this limitation is holding me back for now. I hope this feature will be considered in future updates or versions of the devices.

    Ahmed A


  13. Identify speakers already labelled

    I want avoid to identify the speaker in each conversation manually it take an amount of time to do it each time manually. The system could identify the speakers already labelled to avoid do it each time

    #πŸ“ Transcription


  14. API Integration

    β€’ Synchronization via API β€’ Integration with other services β€’ Increased efficiency and ease of working with materials



  15. Call recording

    I want to record the phone calls when I use speaker and airpods

    #πŸ“ Transcription#πŸ‘‚ Recording
